Take Action

Speak out for animals in transport. Let federal Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau know there is more work to do to protect animals being transported in Canada.
Sign our petition demanding more humane trucks for farm animals transported to slaughter. Visit humanetrucks.ca to sign and watch our video.
Request the Minister promulgate strong animal transport regulations after 43 years. The draft regulations need to be stronger. Proposed transport times are still too long: 36 hours, 28 hours, 24 hours, etc., (species-dependent), without food, water and rest, and no requirements for updated vehicles to improve transport.
Get political: Ask your Member of Parliament to support strong, updated animal transport regulations for Canada.
Contact your provincial branch of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency if you see problems with an animal-transport vehicle on the highway or at rest stops, and follow up for an update.
Don’t eat animals. The single most effective important thing you can do for animals is not to eat them.